In 1797, the Sydney Cove ran aground on Preservation Island in the Furneaux Group when delivering a shipment of Rum to the fledgling colony at Sydney. Seventeen crew set off by longboat to seek help; only 3 survived that terrible journey. Rescuing the others, and the valuable cargo, set in train circumstances that dramatically changed Australia. When sent to sound the wreck site, Matthew Flinders perceived a passage that was later discovered to be Bass Strait.
Jack and Jude visited Preservation Island two centuries after these events to record evocative images from the past.
From Preservation, we sailed to The Corner, the aboriginal township on Cape Barren Island, home for about 80 folks. We visited the community centre and school then had morning tea with its only teacher for 20 years – the most students numbering 15. Taking an afternoon zephyr across Franklin Sound towards a towering rock massif named after the Polish explorer Strzelecki, where we enjoy magical sunsets in Trousers Bay.
Heading to Lady Barron, Flinders Island main port, we lashed Banyandah to a mooring then took off for a five-day walkabout around the island. What a magical experience! Friendship is why we travel and the beauty of Earth is our reward for the hardships of life on the track. These islands are a special place. We hope you enjoy our photos.
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