Practical Boat Bits and Tips

Practical Boat Bits and Tips 2nd editionFor all with the desire to enjoy life afloat

Simply explained with
over 200 photos and diagrams

Perfect Gift
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Back in 1970, when we first began building Banyandah, finding good ideas and ways to do boatie things was more difficult than actually doing the work. If we could see it, we could build it, and one book that we treasured was Alan Lucas’ “Just Cruising”

A lot of miles have slipped past since launching Banyandah in 1973.
We honed our skills until we were competent enough to actually build vessels for others and be paid handsomely for our labours. For two decades we built quality cabinetry with smart joinery and lovely clear finishes.

Jude has been documenting the many very workable features of Banyandah and she has worked diligently to bring them to you.

In Practical Boat Bits and Tips are the simplest and best ideas, illustrated in photographs, diagrams and her words. Best take her word, she’s the one keeping Banyandah in top shape.


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Practical Boat Bits and Tips — 3 Comments

  1. Great reading guys, lives well spent, KUDOS to your family.

    Thanks Dale, Glad you found our books good reading and helpful. Fair winds mate,

  2. Hello again
    On the page Bowsprit we notice a photo of jack cleaning your anchor – it has been our experience of many years that a swivel on the anchor alleviates the twisted chain and thus lessens the risk of the chain breaking. Again thank you for your website it is very informative. Safe sailing.
    Rob & Vanessa

    Hope this helps, reply by Jack
    We have never used an anchor rode swivel. We do not like any weak link in our rode. Maybe they are better designed than when we first set out, I don’t know. But I do know, in our style of cruising we do not need one. Firstly, in tropical sailing the vessel stays pretty much in a static position, unless effected by tidal flow, and then the vessel generally rotates with the trade wind. In higher latitude, changeable winds might swing the vessel round ‘n round, but we’re just not anchored long enough for that to be a factor to our 60 m of chain. Weedy bottoms can roll chain as it slides over the weed, thick Ribbon Weed particularly. A swivel would not stop that as the chain rolls up mid-span.
    Yes, our chain sometimes gets a few twists, but these generally get shunted towards the anchor as it comes up by going over the gypsy, and work themselves out when the anchor lifts. Very occasionally, maybe once a year, we’ll drop the whole lot in deep water to let it untwist.

  3. Thank you for these excellent tips!! Are you a member on twitter at all? Can give you a twitter update through my account later 🙂

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