Friday, 14 September > Boot Camp
It’s back to BOOT CAMP for Jack and Jude
Eight days of high intensity training and testing.
Watch our YouTube clip**
It’s NOT life or death drama, but rather some beautiful scenery and action in the high forests of Australia. Once past Anvil Rock, we’re pushing through virgin wilderness with no tracks in high country where the mighty Clarence River is born. As you will see, we are not exactly teenagers anymore! In fact, we’re closer to 70 than 60, and yet we still want to explore wild places. And so in order not to endanger ourselves, or others, we choose to keep in touch with our physical fitness by testing our bodies on dry land close to facilities.
In Northern NSW close to our house, World Heritage Gibraltar Range National Park has striking granite outcrops and steep escarpments with dry eucalypt dominating the tops of ridges, surrounded by a mosaic of sub-alpine swamps. In gullies, lush warm to sub-tropical rainforests encompass the largest areas with waterfalls plummeting from a network of streams. Wild rivers offer refuge to a rich variety of wildlife. In spring and summer, the heathlands, swamps, and open woodlands play host to a colourful display of wildflowers, highlighted by the iconic Gibraltar Waratah.
View High Forest walk in a larger map
** must apologize for the poor quality – it will play a bit better if you select 720HD on the player. We didn’t take our old faithful pro-camcorder. It’s had a hard life and we are looking into new equipment – something a bit lighter and smaller.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Here’s an exciting good news email from a friend running Medical Sailing Ministries. “MSM strives to meet the challenge of … taking medical services to where they are needed most … in our case, using what we have and know – yachts. It’s a humanitarian venture, built around showing love and compassion to those in need. ”
Greetings all, thought you’d find the attached Project Sheet concerning the dental care program we have been helping to establish in Vanuatu of interest.
It will shortly be attached to the Uniting World website with a link for tax deductible giving etc.
We will have more information in the next MSM Update, but the attached flyer is hot off the press. All very exciting !!
all the best
Rob Latimer
Sunday, 2 September 2012
It’s Sunday night and we just got back from 8 days in the bush; we’re whacked, scratched, bruised. but feeling pretty fine after a really long hot shower, washed our bodies till they felt silky again. Rubbing in the medicated skin cream right now, and that should put us on the road to being normal again.
A heap has happened since we were lost in paradise > a blog is coming on our wonderful journey through the high forests of Northern NSW – with some exquisite photos as we were lucky with the weather.
- The Sailing Podcast has just published the second part of our interview that continues the story of the 4 J’s encounter in the Red Sea and covers some information about the situation in East Africa and what has led to some of the problems in Somalia.
- Guide to Tasmania’s East Coast is now online.This completes our 8 part series highlighting anchorages, facilities, marinas, fishing and walks in Tasmania.
The series has been converted into electronic format
Tasmania Cruising Guide ~ online in several eBook formats
for perfect printing or iPhones/iPads/kindle